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Today 7:30am-7:30pm    Open Now
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In many areas of Greater Los Angeles subterranean termites started swarming. If you see flying small black termites with gray wings bigger than thorax and equal size, there is no need to get upset and think it will need a speedy remedy. You can clean them by spraying with Windex or even water. As a rule, swarming termites are a sign of termite infestation on the structure. This means that they may be eating and damaging the structure. We offer free complete termite and other wood destroying organisms inspections There may be other issues too. There is no need to call a termite company just to kill or clean these flying termites, it will mean he did literally nothing. Termites are already dead or will be in an hour or so, and whoever cleans your house can also clean them too.

Most Homes And Other Structures Qualify For A Complete Wood Destroying Organisms (termite) Inspection

For multi unit and commercial properties many times limited drywood termite treatments are chosen. These termite treatments include but are not limited to
  • Treating one one or more units on a multi unit structure.
  • In addition to treating one or more units, also conducting partial foaming on attic, subarea as well as other areas
  • Conducting subterranean termite treatment only for the unit which ordered inspection
  • Treating areas where HOA would not cover and only the person who ordered inspection was responsible
Since these type of treatments already are credited towards to future work, later if HOA or commercial property other management/owner(s) decide to do more work or finish rest of the structure, they do not have to do the entire thing again, but what is left.