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Today 7:30am-7:30pm    Open Now
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In many areas of Greater Los Angeles subterranean termites started swarming. If you see flying small black termites with gray wings bigger than thorax and equal size, there is no need to get upset and think it will need a speedy remedy. You can clean them by spraying with Windex or even water. As a rule, swarming termites are a sign of termite infestation on the structure. This means that they may be eating and damaging the structure. We offer free complete termite and other wood destroying organisms inspections There may be other issues too. There is no need to call a termite company just to kill or clean these flying termites, it will mean he did literally nothing. Termites are already dead or will be in an hour or so, and whoever cleans your house can also clean them too.

Most Homes And Other Structures Qualify For A Complete Wood Destroying Organisms (termite) Inspection


Prime Termite offers Termite Inspections for Real Estate Buyers and Buyers’ Agents .

The days when the seller was forced to pay for termite work are gone! If you are forced to pay for something you will not benefit, you will try to pay as little as possible. Now there is no such requirement, the buyer is taking charge during buying in order to protect their investments. In the past the seller opted to spend as little as possible just to get their certification to submit to escrow and financial institution. This resulted in substandard work and false certifications which later needed to be corrected by buyers. Even though there are regulations which mandates the seller to use any termite company the buyer chose, only a few buyers were aware. Presently, when people buy a property they usually check for termite and other wood destroying organisms and as a rule want to fix it properly before moving in. We gladly offer termite inspections for the buyers and their agents. Real estate agents can help buyers to chose the right termite company based on their experience. This is why Prime Termite started receiving more and more real estate termite requests recently after this change.

If you are the buyer or buyer’s agent, feel free to call us to schedule your termite inspection!