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Today 7:30am-7:30pm    Open Now
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In many areas of Greater Los Angeles subterranean termites started swarming. If you see flying small black termites with gray wings bigger than thorax and equal size, there is no need to get upset and think it will need a speedy remedy. You can clean them by spraying with Windex or even water. As a rule, swarming termites are a sign of termite infestation on the structure. This means that they may be eating and damaging the structure. We offer free complete termite and other wood destroying organisms inspections There may be other issues too. There is no need to call a termite company just to kill or clean these flying termites, it will mean he did literally nothing. Termites are already dead or will be in an hour or so, and whoever cleans your house can also clean them too.

Most Homes And Other Structures Qualify For A Complete Wood Destroying Organisms (termite) Inspection


Fumigation is the most common method used for eliminating Drywood Termites.  The process is normally a 3-day & 2-night event.  Day 1 involves sealing the structure by tenting and introducing gaseous pesticides (fumigants – sulfuryl floride – Vikane or Zythor) to suffocate or poison the pests inside.  The sealed environment is aerated to allow the fumigant gas to percolate throughout the space for a set period of time to terminate any infestations.  On Day 2, the space is ventilated to remove the poisonous gas, making it safe for re-entry.  The tent is removed on Day 3 and the air quality is tested to ensure it is safe before allowing access.  Once the air quality is determined safe, a sign will be posted on the front door indicating safe entry.


During the fumigation process, the sealed premises must be vacant as the fumigants pumped into the sealed environment are very toxic to humans and pets.  All food items must be double bagged.  We will provide complete instructions. 


This method can also be used to kill Bedbugs and Powder Post Beetles.  Contact us for more information.


Fumigation is the best method for eliminating Drywood Termites. However, if for some reason, you are unable to fumigate or prefer a more natural solution, we also specialize in a more eco-friendly, pet-friendly Full Foam Treatment.  Some clients are opting to use this more GREEN method of eliminating termites.  


Contact us now to book a free inspection!