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Best for LA 6 years in a row!

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In many areas of Greater Los Angeles subterranean termites started swarming. If you see flying small black termites with gray wings bigger than thorax and equal size, there is no need to get upset and think it will need a speedy remedy. You can clean them by spraying with Windex or even water. As a rule, swarming termites are a sign of termite infestation on the structure. This means that they may be eating and damaging the structure. We offer free complete termite and other wood destroying organisms inspections There may be other issues too. There is no need to call a termite company just to kill or clean these flying termites, it will mean he did literally nothing. Termites are already dead or will be in an hour or so, and whoever cleans your house can also clean them too.

Most Homes And Other Structures Qualify For A Complete Wood Destroying Organisms (termite) Inspection


Traditional termite treatments such as fumigation are effective but extremely toxic. In recent years, consumers are demanding a more eco-friendly termite treatment which is just as effective. Prime Termite has been a fore runner in using “green” termite treatment. During the onsite inspection, our experienced inspectors will detect and identify termite damage in your home or business. We use the most effective and eco sensible treatment such as BoraCare to eliminate termites. Finally, wood members are sprayed with natural termiticides to prevent future infestations.

You can rest assured that when Prime Termite recommends green termite treatments or natural termite control – it is 100% natural and environmentally safe for the family as well as pets. Prime Termite offers the same warranties for our complete green termite treatments because it is as effective as any other treatments available. Other local termite companies have yet to match our level of expertise and environmentally safe practices.

In addition, our green termite treatments are not only effective against subterranean and dry wood termites but also against other wood destroying organisms – fungus, powder-post beetles, and carpenter ants. Over the years we have developed proprietary termite treatment techniques and methods which allow our crew to achieve the highest possible quality of work. If you want to go green in regards to termite and other wood-destroying organisms treatments, we ARE the ultimate green termite treatment company in Greater Los Angeles area as well as in most cities in Southern California.

Bora-Care Termite Treatment


Prime Termite offers completely natural termite control while offering the same warranties for our green treatments due to their prevention capabilities.

Subterranean & Drywood Termite Green Treatments

Bora-Care Foaming directed to the entire structure

Bora-care is an outstanding termite control product that has an excellent reputation among serious termite control professionals. It is produced by Nisus Corporation after years of extensive research and development requiring significant investments. Bora-Care is not a “who knows what invention” by a small, local termite company, which neither has sufficient research and development investment means nor is a professional termiticide-producing organization. This is why other natural termite control manufacturers (usually just small local termite companies) often try to promote their products with unsubstantiated and exaggerated claims. Bora-Care produces great results while conducting foaming on the exterior and interior structures. Prime Termite uses the best state-of-the-art equipment available on the market, much better than what you can see in the manufacturer’s video above. Our equipment quality, combined with telescoping and infraRED tools, means excellent results.  By collaborating with our customers, we also cut the cost of this expensive material as well as labour expenditure with our efficient and detailed organization of the jobs.  We have spent close to six figures on software development partially because of this.  With our very reasonable pricing, you will get unsurpassed value for your investment, which will protect your property as long as it exists.

Drywood Termite Green Treatments

Thermigation – Heat-Plus Treatment for Drywood Termites

Complete Heat or Thermigation is similar to fumigation when all wooden parts of a structure are treated by reaching all dry wood termites. During fumigation, this is achieved by introducing sulfur fluoride, but by using complete heat it is accomplished by increasing the temperature to a level at which dry wood termites cannot survive. In both cases, the structure is sealed to block fumigant or excessive heat escaping through a tent or other alternative ways. Complete Heat or Thermigation is the only alternative to fumigation capable of eliminating all dry wood termites. In addition, it has one great advantage – it is a completely green treatment that does not involve any chemicals, even organic and natural ones.

Drywood termite infestation intensity is based upon the closeness to the Pacific Ocean.